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Ozzie Guillen dials the Wrong Number...
Who doesn't love some good 'ol bloopers? These are pretty great:
Thanks to a great new website, Oh Murph, for finding a video involving people getting injured in other ways than what we've seen happening to the Mets...
A pool shark in New York is making a name for himself, and it might have something to do with his age. Keith O'Dell is only 23-months old.
Keith is now 2 years and 1 month old and has moved on to the big table. You go, Keith.
A Local Cleveland News Team reacts to Lebron's game winning shot. Check out the guy in the background behind the right window, lol.
Here's a fan in Cleveland who got in on the brawl action:
Kudos to Wario for sending the greatest video ever...
And you thought your father embarrassed you...
Ewing Is Back!
Did they intentionally make Patrick's hair look like he just got out of bed? Either way, Patrick chEwing rocks, lol.
The cat coming out onto the field in the first game will always send a slight shiver down my back...
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Jose Reyes has a new commercial:
I'd like to see him try this. Just once.
Wonder what would happen if the Mets played soccer? They would represent the red team in this clip...
This has been our luck the past few seasons. I have not a clue what they are saying but I feel the red team's pain.
Now what would you do to see Dick Cheney give the rundown on your local sports teams on the 10:00 nightly news? Well, Sarah Palin is not a bad second.
Greatest 50 Catches of All Time:
Number 10 and 22 are my favorites...
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The Mets Next Big Problem:
An anonymous source has confirmed that the Nationals will be choosing him one overall.
A compelling story about the religious transformation of former Dallas Cowyboy and Green Bay Packer's star Alan Veingrad. Alan was a member of the Super Bowl XXVII World Champion Dallas Cowboy Team:
In this video I like to think of Meelosh as Oliver Perez, the black agent as Scott Boras, and the team that chose Meelosh as... The New York Mets.
It's Dead On:
This video shows us why being a Met fan isn't all that bad. Unless you're a Jets fan, as well.
In that case - God help you.
If you didn't think that Hitler follows the NFL then you might want to think again.
Also, the Jets changed their schedule due to recent complaints about games interfering with Jewish Holidays. After watching this video, I can clearly see that people were upset.